COVID-19: The Ultimate Weapon for Voter Suppression

AS OF TODAY, the official death toll from COVID-19 in the United States for the past 180 days is more than 179,000. That means that, on average, 994 people in the U.S. have died every day these last six months.
And just think, tomorrow those numbers will look good. Next week, they’ll look better. Because, as we all know, the numbers are only climbing — and they’re set to spike now, as schools that have long been left twisting in the wind by a government and a country that view science with contempt, learning with scorn, and teachers with undisguised disdain, reconvene at the peril of their students, their staff, and their teachers. Those schools have to reconvene because they have to choose between the certain demise of their institution and the possible-to-probable illness and death of many their students and employees. The peril to the many is worth less than a peril to the few, or the one: it’s come to this.
A month from now, we will wish that “only” 179,000 U.S. lives had been lost to this plague that has spread uncontained because of Republicanism.
Every day so far, an average of 994 lives have ended. 994 futures have been sentenced to never being written. 994 families left short one (or more) members, 994 sets of friends have lost someone dear to them. Every day, on average. All those hopes, all those dreams, all that life and love: they’re gone because of the Republican Party’s utter lack of efforts to even try the path of good will.
When you go to the polls this November, VOTE on behalf of them — of however many voters were among those casualties of the corruption, greed, hatred, ignorance, lies, misogyny, naked racism, and manifold violence that are the defining principles of the Republican Party that — as we all know — refuses to mourn those lost lives, those unwritten futures.
Do it for the victims of Republicanism, and for yourself, your future, and the future of our planet. #VoteRepublicansOut